Archive by author: Spencer WynnReturn
Camping in -45 degree temperatures to “get the shot” is nothing new to Spencer. His extreme passion for photography has taken him to dynamic Arctic landscapes, including the west coast of Greenland to film calving glaciers and through the Northwest Passage to shoot the vanishing icecaps, polar bears, walrus, caribou and the living conditions of the Inuit people. Wynn says it’s difficult to narrow his favourite locations. "My favourite destinations would have to be the Canadian Arctic, but also many locations in China including Kashgar in the far northwest, the villagers in the high altitudes of western Sichuan and the plunging rice terraces of southern Yunnan."
Yunnan is Picture Perfect

Yunnan is Picture Perfect

DUOYISHU, CHINA — This remote farming community is still blanketed in darkness when the alarm sounds and tells me it’s time to prepare for another early-morning shoot on this photographic pilgrimage.
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Sichuan Provides a Natural High

Sichuan Provides a Natural High

DEGE, CHINA — “Shimmering like crystal in a mid-day sun; blinding snows melt and rivers run.” These could be the words used on a glossy brochure to promote any number of European or North American ski destinations.
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