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Airlines serving up more calories in the sky

NEW YORK - The one thing all airline passengers can agree on is the food served to them at 35,000 feet is usually horrible. In fact, some passengers are glad airlines have stopped serving food on short haul flights. Even the “Grab ’n Go boxes passengers pick up at airport kiosks are better than airline food. Airlines have given a whole new meaning to the expression “junk food.”
However, some airline food is actually better than others, according to DietDetective.com, which conducts an annual survey to get passengers’ opinion on that matter. This year, DietDetective.com rated the food on 12 airlines, including our own Air Canada, and concluded that Virgin America offers its passengers the healthiest food choices, with Delta and JetBlue coming in tied for second spot.
The survey assigned a “Health Score” (5 stars = highest rate, 0 star = lowest) based on 10 criteria, including health and calorie levels of meals, snack boxes and individual snacks, improvement and maintenance of healthy offerings, menu innovation and cooperation in providing nutritional information. The survey includes health ratings, average calories per airline, cost, comments, best bets, food offerings, calories, and exercise equivalents.
DietDetective.com reports the average number of calories per food item was 360 in 2012; in 2013 it was 388; last year 397, and this year it’s 400 (399.96), a 3 calorie increase over last year. In addition, airlines also appear to be decreasing the number of choices they offer, according to DietDetective.com.
Summary of Health Ratings (5 stars = highest rating)
Virgin America got 4.5 stars out of a possible 5 while JetBlue and Delta tied withy 4 stars each. Air Canada’s grub was rated 3.25 stars, same as United Airlines, but  American Airlines got 2.75 stars while Alaska Air got 2.5 stars, Southwest Airlines 1.5 stars, Allegiant Air 1.5 stars, Spirit Airlines 1.25 stars, Hawaii 1.25 stars, Frontier Air just 1 star.  
For a breakdown of the complete survey, go to DietDetective.com.


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