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Korea's Olympics: Nuclear winter or just frost bite?

Korea's Olympics: Nuclear winter or just frost bite?

Thanks to the current “peace” talks going on between the feuding Koreas, the threat of a “nuclear winter” during the upcoming Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea is now less likely. However, attendees be warned: Frost bite is the real enemy because PyeongChang is the coldest location on Earth based on its latitude, according to AccuWeather.
So if you’re going to the Games in February, here’s some suggestions from AccuWeather Meteorologist SungHyun Do: “You can maintain a good biorhythm by eliminating lactic acid and other waste out of your body in that particular environment," he says.
And, “Only five or six hours of sleep should be enough to feel rested in this region, because the pressure in this area increases melatonin in a person's brain,” says Do.
February will mark the waning weeks of the harsh, east-Asian winter, which is comparable in many ways with winter in northern Canada.


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