Archive by author: Jules TortiReturn
Jules Torti is a self-proclaimed Micro-adventure Architect and Professional Sunset Chaser. She is like a heat seeking missile, with a penchant for islands and all things Africa. She has kissed the Blarney Stone (and a giraffe), weathered a sandstorm and snowstorm in Iceland (in the same day), prepped breakfast for 23 chimpanzees in the Congo and designed colouring books for the Jane Goodall Institute in Uganda. In between she writes about the best things in life: books, beer, burgers, birds - in no particular order.
'Book Tours' Lead to Fascinating Libraries

'Book Tours' Lead to Fascinating Libraries

GALT, ON - When I write about libraries, it’s with great sheepishness. In Grade 4, I buried three library books from Mount Pleasant Elementary School because I was immobilized by fear. The books were long overdue and the consequences (the wrath of the head librarian) were better resolved with the deft work of a spade by the pond. I claimed that the books had been returned long ago and were obviously shelved by a student helper unfamiliar with the Dewey Decimal system. Crisis averted.