Archive by author: Jessica Jean MartinReturn
Driven by a passion for travel and adventure, she expresses her creativity through stories and photos. Jessica's work has appeared extensively in national newspapers and magazines and she is a regular contributor to TraveLife magazine. Her portfolio encompasses a diverse cross-section of topics, ranging from design, lifestyle, food, and travel to business and investing. She holds a Bachelor of Arts, Honours Degree from Queen's University in Communication Culture and Information Technology. She has also earned college certificates in the fields of Commercial Photography and Public Relations. Jessica has travelled to and written about destinations in Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, the United States, Canada and the Caribbean.
More couples opting For Destination Weddings

More couples opting For Destination Weddings

RIVERA NAYARIT, MEXICO - I’m having trouble catching my breath as I drag my body onto the white sand of Playa del Amor (Lover’s Beach) — a.k.a. Hidden Beach — one of the lovely Marieta Islands that lie just off this romantic Mexican resort town.