Relax! You're at an airport

Relax! You're at an airport

Frequent Flier Marc Atchison reviews a list a "relaxing airports" and remembers that not all airports are made to stress you out - in some cases you're sorry to leave them.
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Lily's Top 5 Layover Cities

Lily's Top 5 Layover Cities

1. PARIS: A beautiful city during the day and equally breathtaking at night. Paris is rich in history with incredible architecture, museums, art and churches throughout the city. My favourite place to sit down, relax and enjoy a glass of wine or coffee at any time of the day.
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A Flight Attendant's Friendly Skies

A Flight Attendant's Friendly Skies

BYRON BAY, AUSTRALIA - As a young girl, my parents would have to persuade me out of the water as the sun was setting. And I would beg my brother to accompany me on the “It’s a Small World” ride at Walt Disney World over and over again.
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The Sky's the Limit for Emirates Flight Attendent

The Sky's the Limit for Emirates Flight Attendent

RYE, ENGLAND - At two oʼclock in the morning, everything is quiet. The dim light of the desk lamp is following the contour of the pencil, its shadows placed like stamps onto the coloured pages. The year is 2003. Sitting across from me, my cousin suddenly gives me a worried look. He whispers: “We really should be going to bed.”
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